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Wet, wetter, Mendrisiotto

An active frontal zone separates hot, humid air over the Miterranean from cooler. Atlantic air over Central Europe. This frontal zone is currently. Locat directly over the Alps. as can be seen in the animation below. The winds at high altitudes are blowing. Parallel to the frontal zone, which is why it is barely moving.

turday morning to Sunday morning, around 30 to 50 mm of precipitation is expect. On the northern slopes of the Alps and in Valais. From the southern side of the Alps to the eastern Alps. Around 30 to 70 mm of precipitation is expect across the area from Saturday afternoon to Sunday evening, although significantly higher amounts are possible locally due. to Thunderstorms, with 100 to 120 mm. In some places on the southern side of the Alps. The snow line will drop. To around 

Satellite and radar animation from this morning


The yellow dots represent lightning. Source: MeteoSwiss
Satellite and radar animation from this morning. The yellow dots represent lightning. Source: MeteoSwiss
The frontal zone describ can be clearly seen in the bosnia and herzegovina mobile database satellite and radar animation from this morning shown above. Clouds and precipitation mov eastwards very slowly. Thunderstorm lanes repeatly form, particularly on the southern side of the Alps, which sometimes hit the same areas over and over again for several hours.

Radar animation from this morning


Radar animation from this morning. See text for details. Source: MeteoSwiss
Extraordinary amount of rain
The most impressive example of such a thunderstorm route can delivering automat self-service where customers (and agents) ne it most be seen in The radar animation from this morning above. Starting in the Pimont Prealps, showers and thunderstorms repeatly mov with the southwesterly. upper air current over southern Ticino as far as Bergell and Engadin. The betting email list resulting rainfall totals. were considerable, in some cases extreme, as can be seen in. The summary below. In Mendrisiotto, at the southernmost tip of Ticino. More than 200 mm were record locally in 24 hours, with around 2/3 of this falling within just 6 hours. For example, 143.5 mm were measur in Stabio during this period, which is the third.

If the probability of severe thunderstorms is over 40%, an advance warning is issu to the population and the authorities are also inform in a virtual meeting. There, the authorities are brief. On the warning situation from a meteorological point of view and have the opportunity to ask questions.

Due to the complexity of thunderstorm forecasting, the advance warnings f such as the Central Plateau, the Jura Arc or the Pre-Alps. An advance warning does not mean that all of the small regions warn against will actually be hit by thunderstorms, but that the probability of this is at least 40%. In terms of time, the advance warnings cover the entire event and usually include a shorten period of maximum intensity.

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