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There has been quite a bit of commotion recently

Sports-loving Netherlands is preparing for a thrilling summer of sports pack with events such as the European Football Championship, Wimblon, the Tour and the Olympic Games. Following sports exclusively on TV is old-fashion. Nowadays, sports fans also watch via the so-call second screen and in social mia the sport(er) continues where the TV broadcast stops. However, these modern channels bring quite a few headaches for organizers, coaches and athletes.

During the recent Champions League final

A whopping 32,097 tweets per second were sent at the peak. An absolute record. This alone shows that sports and social mia are  germany telegram data inextricably link in 2012. Through channels such as Twitter and Facebook, direct communication between athletes and supporters takes place for the first time without the intervention of an itorial team. As a result, the supporter is gaining more and more power and the top athlete is becoming more important than his club. Social mia therefore play a crucial role in the further growth of sports. However, not everyone sees sports and social mia as a good combination.  about the use of social mia during major sporting events.

Twitter ban or Twitter enjoyment?

The Danish footballers are not allow to use Twitter during the European Championshi p  consistent messaging: adapt without losing to ensure that they can fully focus on the tournament. A ban that even the Danish Minister of Sports question, because according to him this way freom of expression is being taken away. Vincente Del Bosque, national coach of Spain, also initially impos a social mia ban on his players, but he revers that decision last week. The Spanish ba leads footballers are very happy that.

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